The 2016 Canadian Business Media Awards
To all of the B2B publishers, editors, designers, and creators who entered the 2016 CBM Awards: thank you! The Awards are now closed for submissions. Nominees will be announced on May 5th, and the CBM Awards Gala will be held in Toronto, on June 7th.
For updates, follow our Twitter account and subscribe to our newsletter.
The Harvey Southam Leadership Award
We are still accepting nominations for the Harvey Southam Leadership Award. The award is just about anyone working in the B2B magazine industry. Winners represent the highest standards of B2B publishing and are recognized for their contributions to the Canadian Business Media tradition of distinguished initiative, leadership, and integrity.
The deadline for nominations for 2016 is April 1, 2016. Click here to learn more.
B2B Interview Series
Our blog for B2B publishers features interviews with B2B industry professionals. Recently, we spoke with Marty Tully (publisher of Listed Magazine) and Deborah Jaremko (editor of Oilsands Review) on judging the CBM Awards.
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