Important Dates

Call for Entries Open: January 8,2010
Call for Entries Deadline: February 8, 2010
Nominees Announcement: April 30, 2010
Gala: June, 2010



Judges Wanted

The KRW Awards is seeking nominations for individuals to serve as judges for this years awards. Please read more about our Judging Procedures and email us your nominations for judges, to [email protected].


Contact Us

Kenneth R Wilson Awards
E: [email protected]
T: 416-829-2888
F: 416-504-0437
Mail: 4195 Dundas St West, Suite 346
Toronto, ON, M8X 1Y4



We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Magazine Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage for this program.

Call for Entries

Welcome to the 2009 Kenneth R. Wilson Awards submissions process. 

The submission deadline is Feburary 8 at 5pm Eastern Time and submissions must be RECEIVED IN THEIR ENTIRETY to be eligible. Submissions postmarked by February 8, 2010 but received later will not be accepted.

Please familiarize yourself with the Guidelines and Category definitions before you submit. Then login below and register your entries.

Who May Submit

Canadian publications should submit on behalf of staff or Canadian freelance contributors and the latter should be advised. Individual Canadian writers or creators may submit entries on their own.

What You Will Need to Complete the Online Registration

  1. The correct spelling and punctuation of each entry's title as it appears on the article and contributors names. We do not edit or fact-check the entries later so they will appear exactly as entered on all Awards materials (at the Awards, in press releases, on the web site and on the Award certificates). Please do not use ALL CAPS.
  2. A mid to low resolution PDF of the article is required for each entry. For full-book categories a PDF of the cover will suffice.


New Users

If you are a new user create an account by clicking the "Register" button below.


Registered Users

If you already have your username and password, please login here to begin submitting your entries or to make changes to your submissions.

Log In

MagNet: Canada's Magazine Conference

MagNet — Canada's Magazine Conference
Mark your calendars for MagNet 2010: June 1 to 4 in Toronto

Watch for information and updates on the next MagNet starting in Spring 2010.

Sponsors and Partners

Thank you to all of our generous sponsors and partners. They support us. We encourage you to support them.